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works on paper

p102113.jpg (70763 bytes) p102110.jpg (79014 bytes) 16_14.jpg (19253 bytes)

Untitled, 1999

16 ½ x 23, tempera paint on paper


Untitled, 1999

21 x 17, tempera

paint on paper


Untitled, 1999

22 ½ x 17, tempera 

paint on paper


p102111.jpg (92576 bytes) p102109.jpg (77648 bytes) p102112.jpg (111653 bytes)

Untitled, 1999

22 ½ x 16 ½

tempera paint on paper


Untitled, 1999

17 x 22, tempera

paint on paper


Untitled, 1999

22 ½ x 16 ½

tempera paint on paper


06_04.jpg (21007 bytes)

Untitled, 1999

16 x 23, tempera

paint on paper



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All the material and photographs presented herein are the sole property of Diosmel Gonzalez. No reproductions or copies may be made without the express written consent of the artist.